Monday, August 31, 2009

Warp Speed Dating!

Okay so I didn't get back to my blog immediately, but that's not because I had to hitch hike back from Vernon. My date and I had some civil dinners and casual walks along the lake. All very proper and respectable. He allowed me the dignity of paying for my own room and was a perfect gentleman.
We talked for hours but said more about ourselves by the way we acted so serious. At our age we can't waste time flirting with someone totally wrong for us. On the third day the veneer finally broke and I had my first "first kiss" in 36 yrs. I was dazed to say the least.
An emergency back in Vancouver found us south of the US border on our way to Levinworth. The slow road back to the I- 5 gave us 6 more hours to talk trivia. Road construction after a nice dinner added to the tension. His daughter make up the master bedroom so I could stay the night. That was just weird, but was too tired to demand my own hotel room.
The next day we braved another hour at the border to head for Bellevue to see my friends.
Our visit with them gave both of us time to reflect and defuse our tension. He likes my friends almost as much as I do. The next day I learned how musically talented he is and found out that it's really nice to be kissed again.
Of course that meant that for a week I could think of little else than the second kiss. So how will this end? We both think we know, and hope we are not wrong. Only God knows for sure and we have to be content with His plan for now.
It is nothing short of a miracle that two people can be so much alike. That's actually a little scarey if you know how odd I am.

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