Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Remember the coffee called Chock full o' Nuts? Well so is the internet. I've learned to shoot first, ask questions later. The first shot is a warning shot-How many times have you been divorced? The next is usually about theology greats like Chuck Swindoll and John MacArthur. If you haven't any idea who these writers are, you'd probably better move quick or duck. I began answering only widowers who are interested in writing to women their own age, but one a month is pretty slim pickins. Some of them are clear across the continent. None are from Canada. Go figure!! I won't reply to the divorced pastors who are in their 70's. Doesn't divorce disqualify them from church leadership. I don't think the Bible has undergone a rewrite. I'm not here to evangelize anyone, but there must be a few who can enjoy sharing our common faith. Common faith seems to be a very loosely used term.
I'm very happy the sun is shining and summer is near. I will be able to spend more time sitting at the beach watching the dates sunning their scantily clad behinds, while the nuts pretend they are still young.
At least the ice cream here is wonderful, and the coffee always fresh.
The recipe for success is to live a life of integrity. I'm content with that. It lets me sleep well at night. It would be even better is someone noticed.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

The best date I had this year was stuffed with a pecan half and dipped in dark chocolate. I was invited to a concert by a girlfriend who informed me that even if the concert was boring, the deserts would make up for it. She did not exaggerate. I found myself shying away from several men who came close to talking with me. It seems they have grown accustomed to women making the initial advances, and that leaves a feeling in my stomach much like the first time I tried sushi. "Slightly nervous that I might humiliate myself in public." I decided to join an on line dating site. It's not just any dating site, but a Christian site. I naively expected men to drop what they were doing and flock to my site. As the numbers have shown, there are few men in my age group 50-55 who are looking for women who actually know the difference between a flan and jello pudding.
They will forgive many shortcomings as long as the ladies are 20 yrs their junior. The last 2 gentlemen were the age of my mother and father respectively. No one could be that rich or that interesting to me. I doubt very much that they would tolerate my spicy cooking without serious indigestion. I learned to truly enjoy sushi many years ago. It's seems my culinary adventures may have been for naught if the general consensus is that I should acquire a taste for "Geritol."
Cooking for a variety of tastes has proven to be a challenge to me, but I love all good food, so I will compromise anything except chocolate. Rich, dark chocolate! Served daily with the "Fruit of the Spirit." This perhaps it the true reason that I don't recieve mail on my site. I eat well and live with a greatful heart. There are certainly real men out there who will not settle for the anything less than perfection. If I do happen to trip over them, I hope I will not trip over myself trying to feed them. After all I'm just a little shy on the perfection they are looking for. Perhaps if the perfect man dropped in my path, I just might consider avoiding chocolate long enough to lose that last 10 lbs. "Probably not" Somewhere deep down I believe that men love curves.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Experimenting with recipes.

This site is not about food, but the contrasts will clearly be evident as I wander through the pantry of my new life. Nothing in my life has been bland, so why should I settle for mediocre?
After 32 yrs of marriage, yes to one man, I find myself widowed and still very much alive, and quite young. However even though women have a longer shelf life, we are really not viewed with the same value as good wine, rather a swirl and spit image comes to mind. I heard many times "if only I knew then what I know now" I would do things differently. Well times have changed, and I find myself dizzy with vast numbers of "single, desperate, lonely people" in the world all frantically typing out their desires over the net. Trust me I can relate! You can only add so much salsa to an omelet, it will always be eggs.
I will do things very differently in the last half of my life, so check in every once in a while for an update, and the latest recipe for a happy future.