Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Past

While my daughters remember Christmases past with much the same fondness as I, being alone for two days while they shopped in the insane traffic left me with baking and decorating. This was my time to experiment with things like pate and shortbread. This year we had neither from my kitchen. They didn't mention this in their memoires. I miss the poker games too, and enjoyed the reintroduction this year with Mark bringing his set to Victoria. I have kept mine in my car for 2 yrs now, just in case.
Janice and Rien didn't make it to Victoria after all for the fun and food, I hope next year will provide us with better weather. They missed a wonderful time with the boys and relatives. The highlight of my day yesterday was when Jack scolded Cameron not to touch something that he has been warned many times not to touch but has been fingering all week. He was so timely with his advice.
After eating yet another fine meal at Gord and Trudy's I 'slid' my car down their driveway, giving me a jolt to my blood pressure that was just fun. I managed to miss the two cars parked across the street and headed for the ferry to make my way home to laundry, cleaning out the freezer, and catching up with friends.
I have been filled again with the mystery of Christmas and will attempt to translate the inspiration through the new year. Rick has celebrated another Christmas in heaven with our Father who has given us the real reason for the season.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Endless Roll.

It is always frustrating to buy a roll of wrapping paper and find that it will only wrap 3 or 4 small packages. It is more amazing that the roll I bought 3 yrs ago is still not close to running out. After purchasing it rom Costco 3 Decembers ago, along with one other, I proceeded to wrap every other gift with this paper. It's heavy duty, and very pretty in blues with silver snowflakes. Hopefully no one on my list will recognize it in the middle of the crumpled paper on Christmas day. I'm fairly certain that I did not spend more than $8. on it, and highly doubt I will ever trip over such a bargain again. After a few of the adult version of my rum balls I don't mind using last seasons paper either.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Wheat-free rum balls!!!

According to my friend who owned a bakery for many years, the main ingredient in rum balls is cake crumbs. Which I thought was a pretty thrifty use of something a bakery always has plenty of. I found a wheat free cake mix that works well. Your own recipe for cake or brownies will work fine.
Take the day old cake and pulverize it in a large bowl. Hand mixing works best, but a food processor works well if you have a new manicure. The ball will be more fudgey if processed. Add enough cocoa, butter and powdered sugar and rum or any 'preferred liquer,' if there are not going to be children to share it with. They are just as tasty without liquer. Blend the mixture into a wad. You can use honey or agave if you desire and margarine and peanut butter or any nut butter will improve the fudgey texture. Once the wad is consistant throughout, use a small cookie scoop, and place on a baking sheet to freeze.
Freeze them at least 6 hrs.
Melt in a small container, chocolate chips. 1- 1/2 bags will coat up to 20 -1 oz balls. Roll them immediately in med grated, unsweetened coconut, or crushed nuts. Sprinkles will look great, and chocolate sprinkles are traditional.
Let chocolate set before returning them to your favourite storage container. I don't know how long they will keep in the freezer. I've never had them on hand for longer than a week. This may seem a little irregular as a recipe, but it will give each person a chance to add or alter the desired taste. A great deal of it depends on how much cake crumbs you need to dispose of. Almost any flavour of cake will do as a base. Be creative!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It May keep Us Distracted.

The ballots are still being counted, and in some states they will likely be recounted. The outcome is clear to any thinking being, but the media isn't finished chewing the last bit of fat out of the bones. It is wonderful that race is not an issue any longer. Maybe the minorities will finally believe it, and concentrate on more crucial world issues.
My real concerns are late-term abortion, and assisted suicide, in close quarters with universal health care. I wonder how long the media can keep us distracted from those issues.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Late Thanksgiving.

It's always better to be greatful even if the celebration is late. This year I chose to spend Thanksgiving alone. It may not have been the best weekend ever, but I learned a lot. I have friends I can really count on when I need to, and I can be quite happy alone.
While I listen to friends recount the "classic Thanksgiving fiasco", and I do know it is a form of bragging. They will have a story to rival any. This year I wasn't going to miss out on turkey, so at the last minute I zipped across the border where you can buy a turkey breast that is absolutely succulent. The power was out last weekend for nearly 3 1/2 hrs. and again on Monday when many people were roasting their big birds, the power was out another 6. When did I finally roast that puny thing? Well that would be on Wed. Why not have leftovers in the fridge all week just like every one else? Yesterday the power was again off for 3 hrs, so the leftover turkey came in handy.
I have been out for lunch with the girls twice this week and am headed out again in a couple hours. I am thankful to God for giving me the best bunch of fun, kookie friends in the world. Two more of them will meet each other next week for the first time. That leaves only Carolyn to haul her butt out here from Ontario to get in on the fun.
Ecc 9:7 Go eat you food with gladness, and drink your wine with a joyful heart, for it is now that the Lord favours what you do. When Carolyn does get here we may have to roast a turkey!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Write It Down Somewhere!

My most lucid thoughts seam to arrive when I'm winding down from the day. It's not that my days are harried or stressful. But I keep as busy as I can. Lately I've finally started walking almost every day. This is why we bought at the beach in the first place.
Anyway as I'm reading in the late hours, I find I'm torn between blogging while the thoughts are fresh. It's not a good habit for me to acquire in the wee hrs. So I've decided to just write it down. It may be weeks before I find it under the bed, but at least I know I can read it eventually and decide if it is worth publishing.
I'm still reading Proverbs, and likely will for a while, although I am studying a couple of other books. Prov.14:33-34 Wisdom reposes in the heart of the discerning, and even among fools she lets herself be known. Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people.
I 'love' that wisdom is depicted as female. Don't take me wrong, I am the furthest thing from a feminist. With the ability that woman has to lead man into dangerous territory, it is encouraging to know that she is also capable of leading him into righteous behavior. " I'm not talking here about the classic abusive jerk", just the average guy who wants to be happy, and still seem acceptable.
A wise woman will not hen peck her husband into submission, because then she could not respect him. She will encourage him to be wise and discerning in all his affairs. When his self respect grows, he will bring blessings to his family and employer. Ladies it's a win-win situation.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Just Wondering.

I read a little story of what was encouraging in the end, but the account of Joseph in the Old Testament again warned of pride going before a fall. Definitely a warning worth heeding, but I have never seen Joseph as prideful. He was much younger than the 12 brothers he was inflicted with. If you were raised in a disfunctional family, and I'm sure many of you can relate, he likely was distant from them as much as possible. Most accounts have Joseph named as a dreamer. We and they eventually discovered that his dreams were not his own but from God. God certainly used his humility to raise him up in the end, and rescue his undeserving family. There are much better accounts of prideful people tripping over their ego's, I can't help wondering why the average Christian writer continues to use this "example". Surely the fancy coat didn't turn Joseph into a tyrant, and by all accounts Joseph never fell into any sin. Did I miss something?

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Be Not Anxious.

I've gone so far beyond anxious this past decade, that when things like the economy keep others up at night, I find it just a gnat that circles my head. Yes I am feeling the loss of a huge portion of my retirement fund. This is not the first time it has dropped to 50% of it's value in less than a month. What keeps me looking ahead instead of over my shoulder is that I have decided to never retire. I, like most people was raised to believe that after 60 or so I had a God given right to rest on my laurels and, well warm a rocker if that was all I wanted in my day. I don't have better health than any one else, but I have seen too many people lose their health simply because they chose to retire. I will always have choices about where I live and what I will focus my investments on. Real estate is named aptly. I intend to stay real. After all my home is my canvas.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Some Things!

Never Change! I spent the better part of yesterday and today looking for my reading glasses. I still have my bifocals for driving , and my computer glasses for the key board. Yesterday I was sewing and needed to bring out the Big Guns. Some how I managed to drop them and I have looked every where I can think to. I even checked the garbage 3 times before throwing it out. That's how thoroughly I searched. That is desperate! The last time, and there have been many, I found them by stepping on them in the garage. I suddenly remembered dropping them in that precise spot days earlier, but didn't clue in at the time. I've grown attached to this particular pair, and have put off my eye check up this year because I can't imagine a better style; that and I'm frugal at heart. Although this will not likely be the last time I lose a pair of eyes, I can't help wondering if they might still turn up in a land fill between the onion skins and the banana peels. I will use the garbage disposal more dilligently from now on.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Second Verse, Same as the First.

Not even close! It has been two years since I kissed my best friend good night for the last time. The second year has been more difficult in many ways than the first. The first year was so hectic with moving, renovating, selling and just recovering from more than four years of intense, hands on, nursing.
My Aunt would call often just to chat and comfort me, but I kissed her good bye on June 27. So this week I am missing her too. Maybe I should stop kissing people. Not seriously! This year has helped my heart to heal. I'm finally getting in touch with my feelings. I miss my best friend, the Father of my children. I know tomorrow will be better, because I know the One who holds tomorrow. He has great plans for me. My kids say I have changed. All I can say is I hope so!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Neti Pot

This may sound quite disgusting, but if you are in pain, you are willing to try anything. Many years ago I was watching a medical show that showed how Doctors in India treated chronic sinus problems. In North America, we take antibiotics, and spray everything from sailine to steroids up our noses. When this fails to bring healing or even a little relief, we resort to decongestants, antihistamines, and nasal sprays which seem to multiply in variety like guppies.
A couple of weeks ago a friend in Victoria mentioned she had used a Neti Pot for years. As I often do I tucked this tidbit of info in the back of my cluttered mind. I had been on antibiotics again for a sinus infection nearly 2 weeks and was doing well. No sinus headaches the whole time.
Two days after the antibiotics were finished, I had another headache, and two days later I was back on decongestants. My day ended and began with headaches. I got up at 5:am the next day with a pain behind my eye, and decided that running back to the clinic was not going to bring any lasting relief, so I googled Neti Pot.
This is available in the US and Canada, and coupons are easy to down load. I didn't even check out White Rock, because we aren't known for variety in anything here beyond geritol. I zipped right over to Rite Aid and bought a Neti Pot. I also discovered that our new WalMart also carries it. This little "tea pot" is easy to use, and after four days of flushing my sinuses, my headaches are gone. The method is the same as used in 3rd world countries where antibiotics are not always available.
Sometimes we are too sophisticated for our own good.

I found a wonderful Proverb that I hadn't read before: 25:11-12 A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver. Like an earring of gold or an ornament of fine gold is a wise man's rebuke to a listening ear.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Beauty Is In The Eye.

It has been 11 years since I first cruised to Alaska. I know most people are amazed by the size of the glaciers, and the dirt and the colour and of course the cold. Somethings change slowly, and that is certainly true of Alaska. There are more tourists than I remember, more ships and a lot more jewelry stores. The scenery is stunning, and I found myself mesmerized by the islands and the ice flows. The sky was stormy so I managed to take dozens of photos. I doubt they will ever make it to the cover of a magazine, but they mean a great deal to me. The breath-taking beauty remains.
This trip was both nostalgic, and healing. I was able to find a good friend who needed a break. Her husband kindly drove us to the ship and smiled as he picked us up after shopping all week. Thanks Chuck, I owe you! We giggled and clapped along with singers, ate the best food on the high seas, and relaxed in the spa with facials, pedicures and the whole shmear. Yep, I even had a massage by a guy, well a kid really. I'm sure he's younger than my kids.
We met some wonderful Christians on this trip. Since Dr David Jeremiah was hosting a group on this tour, there were many others not on the tour like ourselves who were very open about our faith. I can't remember ever feeling so connected on a cruise. Even the staff who are Christian were open about their faith. I only heard one or two snide remarks about the "bible carrying" guests.
Any way I return to reality tomorrow. Legal stuff, realestate, and a new windshield will take up most of this week. On the upside, a lady I met in Mexico City in May has asked to meet for lunch soon. That will be more fun to look forward to.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Getting A Grip On Summer

I finally dug out my summer clothes today. Travelling during Junuary left me wondering if summer was ever going to arrive. I'm just happy that my summer things still fit. Maybe jetlag has an upside. Today I couldn't go to church, or any place for that matter until 11:am. There was a bicycle race right at my door and the road was blocked off. I was told that if I needed to get out that they might be able to find me a window of opportunity in less than 20 minutes. That would make me late for services so I decided to stay put. No I did not watch the race! I did meet a new neighbour though who is a Christian and "single", but alas he is younger than my daughters. We had a very upbeat theological conversation and shared ideas on renovation and gardening. DUH!
The weather couldn't be better, and I truly hope we don't get the nasty heat wave that often hits this time of year. On Tuesday I will head to Victoria to visit my favourite guys, and their parents. My daughters and I will finally sprinkle their Dads ashes at sea on Fri. It seems like only one year has passed instead of nearly two. My suitcase is still not emptied and I need to pack again. Go figure!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Go Granny Go!

After more than a month away from home, it's hard to remember where the bathroom is in the middle of the night. When my Aunts funeral was over, and 13 days into my stay, I rented a car to drive like a crazy lady from Windsor to Barrie for 3 days. On this leg of the journey I discovered XM radio. While sitting on the 401 in Toronto, the time flew by to tunes from the 50's. The visit with my highschool friend was refreshing and fun as always.
Then came a short drive to Gravenhurst to visit my Mom. We had fun shopping and remembering happy days with my Aunt "her only sibling". Three nights on an inflatible bed were the most comfortable in 2 weeks. Three nights in Bracebridge wrapped up my trip north. Did I mention I like to renovate? I painted 2 bedrooms and 2 halls at my Aunts house. I chose soft shades of vanilla and a clean aquamarine for the master bedroom. In Barrie I helped my girlfriend decide on renovations for her 30 something kitchen. Then came rearranging my Mothers livingroom and replacing some furniture. My sister is very gifted in her own design choices so all I could do for her is rearrange the guest room.
The next leg of my journey was a plleasant drive to Kingston under sunny skys. When the Beach Boys started singing Little Old Lady From Passadena I no longer thought the song silly. After all, I am a Grandmother with places to go. This had been a very therapeudic trip for me until I returned to Seattle Thurs evening.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Air Miles?

For all of you who said airmiles are a waste of time, just gimme a discount! You may soon be able to say I told you so. I have accumulated a great deal of air miles both in Canada and the US. After not being able to make timely connections with Air Canada, I cashed in thousands of points on a couple of CD"s and gift cards to Linens and Things. The points were going to be confiscated due to inactivity. Fare enough, I was truly happy with Alaska airmiles plan and connections were sane. At least until this year. I have just purchased my second air fare on another airline in 3 months because Alaska can get me there, but not home in the forseeable future. "2 1/2 mths" to be exact. Now the airline I bought a ticket on is the same airline that I tried to get a seat on, with airmiles, and there are clearly empty seats available, but not for airmiles. It really doesn't make sense to have the seats empty when people travelling on airmiles could be buying meals and beverages at least. Those of us who had to pay inflated prices will pack our own lunches thank you very much. This appears to be the same problem every summer. The airlines can gauge what the demand will be and set their prices at double the regular rate, and that is only if you accidentally find tickets on the internet. The ticket in April that I paid $314. for is now selling at between $657. and $808. depending where you search. Some of the discount sites were much higher, and West Jet out of Vancouver was going to make 3 extra stops on the way and turn a 4.06 hr flight into 11 fun filled hours for a mere $400. extra. I know I like a bargain, but hey at least I may be able to stretch out on those extra seats. I checked into one way tickets, DUH! same price. Any way now that I am booked on NWA again I have enrolled in yet another airmile plan. After 2 flights I am already half way to yet another free flight.
This trip I am headed back to Ontario for a visit with friends and family. Some of them I haven't seen in over 30 yrs. I hope the weather isn't too hot, I've accululated some vericose veins and a few extra pounds that nobody wants to see. The jet lag from the "red eye" alone will have everyone convinced I might have a drinking problem. "It's such a shame the way the body can sag". I'm just glad they can't see how bad my memory has gotten along with my posture. All I have to do is remember what the new spouses names are and they won't suspect a thing. I've been out of the country so long, not very many expect me to know about local politics, which is good because they won't want to hear what I learned about world politics while away.
I can always count on being fed well. Food is a universal gift that we heap on our out of town relatives, to make up for the uncomfortable periods while adjusting to things like, "are we still related even thought you divorced my favourite Aunt". Or who remembers how many chocolate bars we ate in one afternoon at a family reunion almost 50 yrs ago. I expect to see cousins That I have not seen in anything but short pants. And yes I will have trouble remembering some of their names.
My Mother doesn't yet know that I am headed east. I thought it would be nice to see the autumn colours in Sept. and use up some airmiles, but life sends us little surprises to remind us that we truly can't book our entire future. The kids will use my place for a couple of days while I'm away, so I am feaverishly trying to clean and dust so my son in law doesn't think me a complete slob. Maybe he won't notice the lack of food in the fridge. The next trip is already booked and paid for, so I will have 2 full weeks to catch up on bills before heading out on a badly needed rest at sea with a girlfriend also in need of a rest. I've been looking forward to a one week cruise for a long time, and I won't even see the inside of an airplane. Now that's a trip!

Friday, May 30, 2008

The Next Trip.

I haven't even finished unpacking from my last trip, and I promised to visit the kids for a few days. This is always an adventure, but I have a car load of stuff to take with me. There are the usual forgotten articles of clothing"matthews underware". I found these in my laundry a couple of weeks back. Then there are souvenirs from Mexico. A full tote bag of candy and T-shirts. I was out of the country 15 days so I picked up a ceiling fan that the kids have been wanting, and can't find in Canada for a reasonable price. I will haul my wet saw back in hopes that they will suddenly discover that they really do need it to install their new bathroom tile. That way I get free storage for the tool. I will not need to pack PJ's because I left a pair tucked under some blankets in their storage closet. This is a good thing, because my suitcase is filling up fast. The prospect of a few days of adoration from a 4 yr old and drools from the cutest little guy on the coast makes all the shuffling and ferrying worth it. I'm pretty sure where the next trip will be, but not sure when. I may need to do some creative last minute packing. I'd like to think I'm organized but that would be a stretch.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Altitude or Attitude.

Somewhere is cyber-space is yesterdays post. I don't know where it went but it did not post. I'm still a little loopy from my trip to Mexico City. For those who have endured the altitude, I need not explain, but many would wonder what the problem is. Trouble breathing, heart palpitations, humidity, heat and extremely great food can cause headaches and fatigue. Now that I'm home, allergies have added to the jet lag. I'm still enjoying 3 squares a day though.
Mexico city was pretty much what I expected. Insane traffic is complicated by insane drivers. The locals are very warm and friendly. They think it's funny that I truly don't understand them. After all Americans learn Spanish in school, and Canadians should too! They continue to talk to me and finally kiss and hug before feeding me. The fact that I love all their food, is a great hit with these patient people. I am taller than most of the men and that may have something to do with their tollerance. There is a wonderful rhythm in the city. The language is emotional, and the traffic never stops. I listened to extremely loud spicy music until 4:30 am, more than once while visiting my friend Elena.
During the day we shopped for cabinets at Home Depot, and planted a new garden on her roof top terrace. The views are breath-taking. The mountain air is refreshing inspite of the smog. My stay ended much too soon, but it may be a while before I jump another plane to Mexico City.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

It's been a beautiful weekend. The wind is warm and the sky silky blue. My online friends are all preoccupied with other endeavors. The freshly coiffed and perfumed type are more alluring than the heart to heart required on the net to even begin to develop a relationship. I am oddly relieved that nothing serious is developing.
I went to a concert the other night that left me in tears. It was humourous and nostalgic, with about 40 white haired men in tuxedos singing the classics. The crowd melted into giggles and guffaws as the sunglass glad penguins broke into Dooby Dooby Dum before performing a fabulous rendition of You Raise Me Up. It was a great start to a very nice weekend.
Today I finally dusted off a fresh canvas that has been leaning against boxes in the front closet. It's the beginning of a series inspired by Greek 101 at Sunday school. The teacher was trying to explain past present ant perfect tense. I suddenly saw something I wanted to capture on canvas. So I have begun to paint again. I will need to get out to buy more canvas to complete the next two in the series. I promise that if my daughters can explain this program to me I may include some photos of my work. It feels good to stretch my stiff creative muscles. Tomorrow it's back to accountants and lawyers. When we get older the weekends arrive much sooner than they used to.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Remember the coffee called Chock full o' Nuts? Well so is the internet. I've learned to shoot first, ask questions later. The first shot is a warning shot-How many times have you been divorced? The next is usually about theology greats like Chuck Swindoll and John MacArthur. If you haven't any idea who these writers are, you'd probably better move quick or duck. I began answering only widowers who are interested in writing to women their own age, but one a month is pretty slim pickins. Some of them are clear across the continent. None are from Canada. Go figure!! I won't reply to the divorced pastors who are in their 70's. Doesn't divorce disqualify them from church leadership. I don't think the Bible has undergone a rewrite. I'm not here to evangelize anyone, but there must be a few who can enjoy sharing our common faith. Common faith seems to be a very loosely used term.
I'm very happy the sun is shining and summer is near. I will be able to spend more time sitting at the beach watching the dates sunning their scantily clad behinds, while the nuts pretend they are still young.
At least the ice cream here is wonderful, and the coffee always fresh.
The recipe for success is to live a life of integrity. I'm content with that. It lets me sleep well at night. It would be even better is someone noticed.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

The best date I had this year was stuffed with a pecan half and dipped in dark chocolate. I was invited to a concert by a girlfriend who informed me that even if the concert was boring, the deserts would make up for it. She did not exaggerate. I found myself shying away from several men who came close to talking with me. It seems they have grown accustomed to women making the initial advances, and that leaves a feeling in my stomach much like the first time I tried sushi. "Slightly nervous that I might humiliate myself in public." I decided to join an on line dating site. It's not just any dating site, but a Christian site. I naively expected men to drop what they were doing and flock to my site. As the numbers have shown, there are few men in my age group 50-55 who are looking for women who actually know the difference between a flan and jello pudding.
They will forgive many shortcomings as long as the ladies are 20 yrs their junior. The last 2 gentlemen were the age of my mother and father respectively. No one could be that rich or that interesting to me. I doubt very much that they would tolerate my spicy cooking without serious indigestion. I learned to truly enjoy sushi many years ago. It's seems my culinary adventures may have been for naught if the general consensus is that I should acquire a taste for "Geritol."
Cooking for a variety of tastes has proven to be a challenge to me, but I love all good food, so I will compromise anything except chocolate. Rich, dark chocolate! Served daily with the "Fruit of the Spirit." This perhaps it the true reason that I don't recieve mail on my site. I eat well and live with a greatful heart. There are certainly real men out there who will not settle for the anything less than perfection. If I do happen to trip over them, I hope I will not trip over myself trying to feed them. After all I'm just a little shy on the perfection they are looking for. Perhaps if the perfect man dropped in my path, I just might consider avoiding chocolate long enough to lose that last 10 lbs. "Probably not" Somewhere deep down I believe that men love curves.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Experimenting with recipes.

This site is not about food, but the contrasts will clearly be evident as I wander through the pantry of my new life. Nothing in my life has been bland, so why should I settle for mediocre?
After 32 yrs of marriage, yes to one man, I find myself widowed and still very much alive, and quite young. However even though women have a longer shelf life, we are really not viewed with the same value as good wine, rather a swirl and spit image comes to mind. I heard many times "if only I knew then what I know now" I would do things differently. Well times have changed, and I find myself dizzy with vast numbers of "single, desperate, lonely people" in the world all frantically typing out their desires over the net. Trust me I can relate! You can only add so much salsa to an omelet, it will always be eggs.
I will do things very differently in the last half of my life, so check in every once in a while for an update, and the latest recipe for a happy future.