Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Write It Down Somewhere!

My most lucid thoughts seam to arrive when I'm winding down from the day. It's not that my days are harried or stressful. But I keep as busy as I can. Lately I've finally started walking almost every day. This is why we bought at the beach in the first place.
Anyway as I'm reading in the late hours, I find I'm torn between blogging while the thoughts are fresh. It's not a good habit for me to acquire in the wee hrs. So I've decided to just write it down. It may be weeks before I find it under the bed, but at least I know I can read it eventually and decide if it is worth publishing.
I'm still reading Proverbs, and likely will for a while, although I am studying a couple of other books. Prov.14:33-34 Wisdom reposes in the heart of the discerning, and even among fools she lets herself be known. Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people.
I 'love' that wisdom is depicted as female. Don't take me wrong, I am the furthest thing from a feminist. With the ability that woman has to lead man into dangerous territory, it is encouraging to know that she is also capable of leading him into righteous behavior. " I'm not talking here about the classic abusive jerk", just the average guy who wants to be happy, and still seem acceptable.
A wise woman will not hen peck her husband into submission, because then she could not respect him. She will encourage him to be wise and discerning in all his affairs. When his self respect grows, he will bring blessings to his family and employer. Ladies it's a win-win situation.

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