Friday, October 17, 2008

Late Thanksgiving.

It's always better to be greatful even if the celebration is late. This year I chose to spend Thanksgiving alone. It may not have been the best weekend ever, but I learned a lot. I have friends I can really count on when I need to, and I can be quite happy alone.
While I listen to friends recount the "classic Thanksgiving fiasco", and I do know it is a form of bragging. They will have a story to rival any. This year I wasn't going to miss out on turkey, so at the last minute I zipped across the border where you can buy a turkey breast that is absolutely succulent. The power was out last weekend for nearly 3 1/2 hrs. and again on Monday when many people were roasting their big birds, the power was out another 6. When did I finally roast that puny thing? Well that would be on Wed. Why not have leftovers in the fridge all week just like every one else? Yesterday the power was again off for 3 hrs, so the leftover turkey came in handy.
I have been out for lunch with the girls twice this week and am headed out again in a couple hours. I am thankful to God for giving me the best bunch of fun, kookie friends in the world. Two more of them will meet each other next week for the first time. That leaves only Carolyn to haul her butt out here from Ontario to get in on the fun.
Ecc 9:7 Go eat you food with gladness, and drink your wine with a joyful heart, for it is now that the Lord favours what you do. When Carolyn does get here we may have to roast a turkey!

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