Saturday, October 11, 2008

Just Wondering.

I read a little story of what was encouraging in the end, but the account of Joseph in the Old Testament again warned of pride going before a fall. Definitely a warning worth heeding, but I have never seen Joseph as prideful. He was much younger than the 12 brothers he was inflicted with. If you were raised in a disfunctional family, and I'm sure many of you can relate, he likely was distant from them as much as possible. Most accounts have Joseph named as a dreamer. We and they eventually discovered that his dreams were not his own but from God. God certainly used his humility to raise him up in the end, and rescue his undeserving family. There are much better accounts of prideful people tripping over their ego's, I can't help wondering why the average Christian writer continues to use this "example". Surely the fancy coat didn't turn Joseph into a tyrant, and by all accounts Joseph never fell into any sin. Did I miss something?

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