Friday, October 17, 2008

Late Thanksgiving.

It's always better to be greatful even if the celebration is late. This year I chose to spend Thanksgiving alone. It may not have been the best weekend ever, but I learned a lot. I have friends I can really count on when I need to, and I can be quite happy alone.
While I listen to friends recount the "classic Thanksgiving fiasco", and I do know it is a form of bragging. They will have a story to rival any. This year I wasn't going to miss out on turkey, so at the last minute I zipped across the border where you can buy a turkey breast that is absolutely succulent. The power was out last weekend for nearly 3 1/2 hrs. and again on Monday when many people were roasting their big birds, the power was out another 6. When did I finally roast that puny thing? Well that would be on Wed. Why not have leftovers in the fridge all week just like every one else? Yesterday the power was again off for 3 hrs, so the leftover turkey came in handy.
I have been out for lunch with the girls twice this week and am headed out again in a couple hours. I am thankful to God for giving me the best bunch of fun, kookie friends in the world. Two more of them will meet each other next week for the first time. That leaves only Carolyn to haul her butt out here from Ontario to get in on the fun.
Ecc 9:7 Go eat you food with gladness, and drink your wine with a joyful heart, for it is now that the Lord favours what you do. When Carolyn does get here we may have to roast a turkey!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Write It Down Somewhere!

My most lucid thoughts seam to arrive when I'm winding down from the day. It's not that my days are harried or stressful. But I keep as busy as I can. Lately I've finally started walking almost every day. This is why we bought at the beach in the first place.
Anyway as I'm reading in the late hours, I find I'm torn between blogging while the thoughts are fresh. It's not a good habit for me to acquire in the wee hrs. So I've decided to just write it down. It may be weeks before I find it under the bed, but at least I know I can read it eventually and decide if it is worth publishing.
I'm still reading Proverbs, and likely will for a while, although I am studying a couple of other books. Prov.14:33-34 Wisdom reposes in the heart of the discerning, and even among fools she lets herself be known. Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people.
I 'love' that wisdom is depicted as female. Don't take me wrong, I am the furthest thing from a feminist. With the ability that woman has to lead man into dangerous territory, it is encouraging to know that she is also capable of leading him into righteous behavior. " I'm not talking here about the classic abusive jerk", just the average guy who wants to be happy, and still seem acceptable.
A wise woman will not hen peck her husband into submission, because then she could not respect him. She will encourage him to be wise and discerning in all his affairs. When his self respect grows, he will bring blessings to his family and employer. Ladies it's a win-win situation.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Just Wondering.

I read a little story of what was encouraging in the end, but the account of Joseph in the Old Testament again warned of pride going before a fall. Definitely a warning worth heeding, but I have never seen Joseph as prideful. He was much younger than the 12 brothers he was inflicted with. If you were raised in a disfunctional family, and I'm sure many of you can relate, he likely was distant from them as much as possible. Most accounts have Joseph named as a dreamer. We and they eventually discovered that his dreams were not his own but from God. God certainly used his humility to raise him up in the end, and rescue his undeserving family. There are much better accounts of prideful people tripping over their ego's, I can't help wondering why the average Christian writer continues to use this "example". Surely the fancy coat didn't turn Joseph into a tyrant, and by all accounts Joseph never fell into any sin. Did I miss something?

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Be Not Anxious.

I've gone so far beyond anxious this past decade, that when things like the economy keep others up at night, I find it just a gnat that circles my head. Yes I am feeling the loss of a huge portion of my retirement fund. This is not the first time it has dropped to 50% of it's value in less than a month. What keeps me looking ahead instead of over my shoulder is that I have decided to never retire. I, like most people was raised to believe that after 60 or so I had a God given right to rest on my laurels and, well warm a rocker if that was all I wanted in my day. I don't have better health than any one else, but I have seen too many people lose their health simply because they chose to retire. I will always have choices about where I live and what I will focus my investments on. Real estate is named aptly. I intend to stay real. After all my home is my canvas.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Some Things!

Never Change! I spent the better part of yesterday and today looking for my reading glasses. I still have my bifocals for driving , and my computer glasses for the key board. Yesterday I was sewing and needed to bring out the Big Guns. Some how I managed to drop them and I have looked every where I can think to. I even checked the garbage 3 times before throwing it out. That's how thoroughly I searched. That is desperate! The last time, and there have been many, I found them by stepping on them in the garage. I suddenly remembered dropping them in that precise spot days earlier, but didn't clue in at the time. I've grown attached to this particular pair, and have put off my eye check up this year because I can't imagine a better style; that and I'm frugal at heart. Although this will not likely be the last time I lose a pair of eyes, I can't help wondering if they might still turn up in a land fill between the onion skins and the banana peels. I will use the garbage disposal more dilligently from now on.