Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Remember the coffee called Chock full o' Nuts? Well so is the internet. I've learned to shoot first, ask questions later. The first shot is a warning shot-How many times have you been divorced? The next is usually about theology greats like Chuck Swindoll and John MacArthur. If you haven't any idea who these writers are, you'd probably better move quick or duck. I began answering only widowers who are interested in writing to women their own age, but one a month is pretty slim pickins. Some of them are clear across the continent. None are from Canada. Go figure!! I won't reply to the divorced pastors who are in their 70's. Doesn't divorce disqualify them from church leadership. I don't think the Bible has undergone a rewrite. I'm not here to evangelize anyone, but there must be a few who can enjoy sharing our common faith. Common faith seems to be a very loosely used term.
I'm very happy the sun is shining and summer is near. I will be able to spend more time sitting at the beach watching the dates sunning their scantily clad behinds, while the nuts pretend they are still young.
At least the ice cream here is wonderful, and the coffee always fresh.
The recipe for success is to live a life of integrity. I'm content with that. It lets me sleep well at night. It would be even better is someone noticed.

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